I heard someone say that it won't, but they were not 100% sure. Can someone please clarify?
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814150346 (video card)
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813131362 (motherboard)|||It'll work as long as you have at least a 400W power supply. Here's the same card $10 cheaper at tigerdirect.
And here's an XFX 4650 that's faster and has twice the memory for the same price as the one you mentioned.
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.as…|||I didn't really like the RAM..configuration on the Mobo..
The Video card seems OK..good reviews...
I've never played a PC Video game..
but from reading the Reviews at New Egg..
that Video card and Mobo sound..average..
I mean not really High Powered...
New Egg was suggesting XP-Home Edition for its OS...
which is a good OS,,,I would then wonder about running XP-Professional..the board seems a 800-MHz RAM choice...
I think that's what I would figure into all the reviews.[end]|||Yes. It should run fine.|||Yes, it will work. If you plan on gaming, though, I'd suggest something a bit more powerful, like a 4830 or 4850.
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