what video card should i get to run the game crysis i checked the website that said if your computer was good for it and all my reqs passed execept my video card my laptops specs are on this website
what video card would you recomemd thank you.|||Laptops are non-upgradable, apart from RAM and HDD.
You will never run Crysis on that, sorry.
Build yourself a nice cheap desktop that will run Crysis|||you can't really upgrade a laptop's video card
the best video card for crysis now is the 9800 GX2 but if you can't afford it ($600, not to mention at least 580w PSU), then get a 9600 GT|||LAPTOPS DO NOT HAVE INTERCHANGEABLE VIDEO CARDS , yahoo answers does have a search function you know? this question is asked about 100 times a day here...|||I had a 512 meg 8600 gt an it did an ok job laptops are not really good for gaming i found mine was always getting to hot so i got a desktop
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