Sunday, May 6, 2012

What video card is enough to play crysis at max?

I have a 1920x1080 23.6" monitor and I'm building a computerand I have everything figured out but the graphic card. I would like to know what graphic card can play crysis at max while staying above 30 maybe 40 fps. thank you in advance.|||The best you can afford. While a single GTX 460 can run Crysis on high settings, it's nowhere near powerful enough for maxed.…

Crysis is THE reason people buy dual-GPU cards like Radeon 5970 or run a pair of GTX 480's in SLI (or 5870's in Crossfire). A single Radeon 5850 or GTX 470 only gets you into 30fps territory, not 40.……|||gtx 465 probably.

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