Friday, April 27, 2012

How much onboard video memory does NVIDIA GeForce 9700M GTS video card have?

I'm trying to see if i can play crysis, and says that i only have 64mb of onboard video memory when i need 256mb, am i not using the max i can use? or do i actually only have 64mb? (i don't know if this is important, but i have a Toshiba Qosmio x300)|||hi steve

with some laptops steve you may be able to assign more video memory to your graphics adapter(9700M) and the options to do this are normally located within the bios>advanced chipset features...allthough all bios programs are different however theres normally some option to disable/enabled the video and also increase or decrease the amount of memory allocated to the onboard video adapter

that said i have checked the specifications for the Toshiba Qosmio x300 and it states the graphics use "turbocache" technology which basically means the graphic card or adapter can use some of the system memory(ram) to use with any program or game that needs it,and in the your case thats 512 MB dedicated VRAM (up to 1,791 MB total available graphics memory using TurboCache™ technology with 3 GB system memory)

so in a nutshell steve allthough you have more than enough video memory it may be that yougamers are only recognizing the minimum amount of video memory for your laptop,so my advice is ignore any websites and simply run the game

as soon as you run crysis your geforce 9700M will realise it requires additional video memory and will borrow the memory using "turbocache" and when you have finished running the game the borrowed memory will be relocated to the system ram

ati also do a similar technology called "hypermemory" which works in exactly the same way with their radeon modile range

i hope this has helped,any problems let me know

good luck steve

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